Programme Overview

Balderton offers a variety of programmes to support founders as they work under intense conditions, building companies that may one day change the world. Each founder is different, so we believe in offering access to different kinds of support – from executive coaching, to health and fitness, to peer support networks.

Health and fitness programme

Our science-based physical health and performance programme is designed to cater to the specific needs of founders and CEOs.

The six month programme is run by a team of expert clinicians, through our partner WellFounded, and is based on cutting edge medical expertise, positive psychology, and behavioural science – with the objective of helping participants better understand their body and mind and ultimately unlock the best version of themselves. It includes:

  1. In-depth analysis of health and performance data including bloodwork, physiology, fitness, nutrition, sleep and mindset.
  2. A personalised plan from a multidisciplinary team of physicians, pharmacists, sleep experts, psychologists, nutritionists, health and performance coaches.
  3. Health consultations and performance coaching sessions throughout the programme to help you achieve your goals.

“High performance can come at a price. If you’re not strategic about it, the cost can be burnout, unhappiness, demotivation, performance diminishments and mental health concerns. It is more challenging to consistently meet or exceed expectations on a regular basis for a long period of time without taking care of the factors that can lead to performance hurdles or even breakdown. By planning for the long game, you and your company can thrive; you can swiftly adapt to the curveballs, the fast-paced needs of the environment and enjoy the ride more. ”

Alison Pope-Rhodius, PhD
Director of Applied Sport and Performance Psychology (ASPP), Dominican University of California
Alison Pope-Rhodius
CEO Forums

Balderton CEO Forums are peer groups of 8-10 CEOs from within the portfolio who meet regularly, in person to discuss the business issues and overall life challenges they face as leaders of fast-growing tech businesses.

Sessions are run by a peer moderator, and designed to allow each member to share their most significant professional or personal updates in a confidential format and setting.

We have active CEO Forum groups in London, Paris, Berlin and Stockholm.

“As an entrepreneur running Business Objects for 18 years, one of the things I found hard was how lonely my position sometimes was and how difficult it could be to share the issues I was facing with others. Being a part of a CEO Forum with YPO was invaluable in helping me navigate the fast-paced and high-pressure life that only other CEOs and entrepreneurs could understand.”

Bernard Liautaud
Managing Partner, Balderton Capital
Executive Coaching

Whether you’re working through a challenging growth period or at the beginning of your leadership journey, our on-staff executive coach is available to support founders and CEOs within the portfolio.

For a longer-term or more personalised service, we offer referrals to some of the world’s leading executive coaches.

“Founders have taken on the challenge of founding companies because of their incredible drive. Inevitably, they put themselves under enormous pressure to succeed and to deliver – it is a part of what makes them successful. A key part of my role is to work with founders to make sure that this pressure is productive. Where this pressure is getting in the way of them delivering their best, as a leader, it is about revisiting existing habits and prioritisation, and finding an approach that is genuinely sustainable for them. Good leadership needs to be about delivering in the long term, not driving yourself to burnout.”

Alexandra Durnford
Founder of executive coaching firm Byron and Wilf

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